The investigation of about frauds that have been going on for more than 10 years during the construction of the Central Ring Road has caused a great resonance. Representatives of the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Combine reacted to it by sending their version of events to the editorial office. And our sources questioned the version of NLMK’s events. We will also give evidence from a direct witness to the theft of funds allocated to the Central Ring Road. And this is tens of billions of rubles.

Recall that our sources said that on the Central Ring Road under the guise of a gravel-sand mixture is blast furnace slag of the Novolipetsk MK (NMLK) Vladimir Lisin. The slag buyer is Autobahn. The carrier is mainly Yamskoe Pole LLC. The trick is as follows. "Autobahn" agreed with Lisin to supply blast furnace slag. The Yamskoye Pole carrier takes slag to NLMK and delivers gravel and sand mixture according to documents for railway transshipment to the Moscow Region, using such an interesting combination, Autobahn turns out blast furnace slag from crushed stone documents and at the price of real granite crushed stone (about 1360 rubles /ton).

We think we don’t need to tell anyone that for NLMK production waste - blast furnace slag is a huge technological and environmental problem. Thus, the company gets rid of toxic ballast and also makes money on it.

In response to the NLMK publication, it is stated that Avtoban Group buys from NLMK a ready-mixed crushed stone and sand slag mixture (APS, hereinafter “mixture”) from blast furnace slag. The mixture is certified according to GOST "Crushed stone and slag sand for road construction" and fully complies with the standards adopted in road construction. It is this material that is shipped to the Yamsky field station, and it is he who is indicated in all the accompanying documents.

The use of a mixture made from blast furnace slag for the construction of the Central Ring Road is agreed in the design documentation. NLMK set up a mixture of slag specifically for this project. Crushed stone from blast furnace slag is a by-product and not a waste product, this is confirmed by the decision of state bodies. A quality certificate issued for the product indicates no toxicity. The tests carried out confirm that slag crushed stone has high strength and frost resistance.

“This complete lie about the physicomechanical properties of blast furnace slag and granite crushed stone, they can’t even be compared!”, Said the source of, “Regarding“ non-toxicity ”, strength and frost resistance. Blast furnace slag is a waste of production of hazard class 4, porous in structure, depending on batch and fraction in strength, inferior to granite crushed stone by about 2 times, hygroscopic and quickly saturated with water, etc. What is supplied for the Ring Road under the influence of shoe pressure crumbles into dust. Somehow there was a story. Part of the slag supplied by NLMK was stolen during transshipment. They found him. The highway was so scared that this slag would go for examination that it was not left even at night at the place of detection. We drove the equipment and immediately took everything out. Avtodor also has a very nervous reaction to all this. And what are the tricks with the documents. Slag at the price of crushed granite is nonsense .... "

The partners of Roman Abramovich’s co-owners of Metrogiprotrans Arthur Mints and Valery Abramson became the founders of the theft of funds from the Central Ring Road. And they were helped by nationalist scientists who created the underground extremist nationalist group "Northern Brotherhood". One of them, Pyotr Khomyakov, gave the FSB detailed testimony about the theft mechanism. In particular, expensive research and design work was not carried out and their imitation was created. And the money was stolen. Khomyakov’s testimony continues to be published by

During this period, Krokhin S.Yu. called me and asked that Mints A.M. she is interested in how the preparation of the financial report on the allegedly done work is going on. I am Krokhin S.Yu. said that Volkov S.N. is engaged in this work with people recommended by A. Mints As a result, by the end of 2008 it was actually spent from 24 to 28 million rubles, which included the costs of employees' salaries, for the payment of concluded agreements for the provision of real archive documents, for the analysis of archive documents, for the purchase of office furniture in the OGEI to pay for computer and cartographic equipment, which was acquired in full in 2009. Estimated financial costs for allegedly done work as directed by A. Mints was drawn up by the department for one billion rubles. Funds that were not actually capitalized for real work were transferred to the accounts of Spetsmetroproekt LLC, cashed and stolen. How technically the funds were cashed and stolen, I do not know. In January 2009, during a meeting at Soyuzdorproject OJSC, Mints A.M. took me aside and said that in 2009 the task would be set to write off according to the estimate of two billion five hundred million rubles, and this should be prepared now.

I asked him how much money would really be given to the OGEI of Spetsmetroproekt LLC for work, to which he replied to me: "170 million rubles." I told him that "not a lot", meaning that this is not enough, to which he replied to me that a maximum of 190 million rubles. I asked him: "is it not dangerous at all?" He told me that this is not my concern, all the higher structures in the know. I asked who, for example, what he told me, for example, our president Abramson. I represented the level of Abramson’s connections and did not elaborate further. I am currently tired and ask to suspend the interrogation. I’m ready to continue providing information on these facts at the next interrogation. ”

Roman Trushkin

To be continued
