Timur Ivanov was born on August 15, 1975 in Moscow. In 1997, he graduated from the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University with a degree in applied mathematics. In 2004 - International Academy of Marketing and Management with a degree in economics and finance. In 2011, he defended his dissertation on the topic “Financial and organizational models of nuclear power plant construction projects”, Candidate of Economic Sciences.


From 1999 to 2002, he was an adviser to the Department of Construction of Nuclear Facilities of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Atomic Energy, in 2002–2006. - Advisor to the First Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance - Executive Director of the Rosenergoatom Concern, 2006–2010. - Vice President, then First Vice President of CJSC Atomstroyexport (an engineering company of the Rosatom state corporation for the construction of nuclear energy facilities abroad). In 2008–2009 served as Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC Inter RAO UES. During this period, the company was led by Evgeniy Dod and Boris Kovalchuk. From 2008 to 2012 he was an adviser to the Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Sergei Shmatko. 2009 - 2012 - General Director of the Russian Energy Agency of the Russian Ministry of Energy.


In 2012, Timur Ivanov served as Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region for several months. During this period, Sergei Shoigu was the governor of the region. From 2013 to 2016 - General Director of JSC Oboronstroy (Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation), in 2016 appointed to the position of Deputy Head of the Ministry of Defense, responsible for the purchase of military products and the construction of military facilities. On April 24, 2024, he was arrested for taking a bribe of 1 billion rubles.


Marital status: married, has two daughters from his second marriage.


Timur Ivanov was considered the “wallet” of ex-Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, as well as the most glamorous of his deputies. Ivanov ran a joint business with oligarch Gennady Timchenko and was repeatedly involved in various scandals; he was under investigation by the FSB for 5 years. In 2021, he was detained by service officers, but avoided arrest thanks to his patrons - Sergei Shoigu and Gennady Timchenko.


2 billion rubles were stolen through Timur Ivanov’s companies. from Interkommerts Bank. Ivanov was in cahoots with the fugitive chairman of the bank’s board, Alexander Bugaevsky. The former Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation was also involved in the withdrawal of money during the construction of the Patriot park. Timur Ivanov had a “cordial” relationship with the head of the GVSU, Konstantin Korpusov, who did not allow procedural checks and criminal cases related to colossal thefts in the construction and property complex of the Ministry of Defense to proceed. The main sources of Timur Ivanov’s corruption income were companies associated with him that were contractors of the Moscow Region. Many of Ivanov’s assets are registered in the name of his second wife, socialite Svetlana Ivanova, and his third, former adviser to the head of the Moscow Region, Maria Kitaeva.






Under Shoigu’s personal supervision, a huge amount of weapons and military equipment was written off right during the SVO. According to the papers, all these weapons were considered combat losses of the Russian Armed Forces. But in reality they were sold abroad. Moreover, the state treasury did not receive a penny from shadow exports. Proceeds from the sale of “destroyed” weapons were received by the former Minister of Defense and his partner in the theft of army property, entrepreneur Gennady Timchenko. When such serious war crimes are revealed, Timur Ivanov is unlikely to cover up Gennady Timchenko and Sergei Shoigu. It would be naive to think that the arrested deputy minister is a bad person within an honestly working system. This is a simple executor of orders given by curators and immediate supervisors.

06/03/24 VChK-OGPU https://t.me/vchkogpu/48616


Almost simultaneously with the establishment of relations with Kitaeva, the loving Ivanov had a favorite in the person of the presenter of the Zvezda TV channel, Irina Losik. As a source of the Cheka-OGPU said, in the course of working out episodes of misuse of budget funds at Ivanov’s go-ahead, it was established that, on his direct orders, a number of construction companies dependent on contracts from the Ministry of Defense regularly “rolled back” millions of rubles for the maintenance of a separate leading “Zvezda” and her projects, including those appearing on TC “Zvezda”.

05.28.24 VChK-OGPU https://t.me/vchkogpu/48515


The Cheka-OGPU continues to talk about one very interesting criminal case that has gathered dust in the Investigative Committee, from which high-ranking patrons in the person of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Deputy Minister Ruslan Tsalikov got Timur Ivanov off. We are talking about the case of the theft of money from the Interkommerts Bank, in which it was established that Ivanov was in collusion with the fugitive chairman of the bank’s board, Alexander Bugaevsky. First, they circumvented international sanctions “in the interests of the country,” and then withdrew almost 2 billion rubles from the bank, dissolving them through Timur Ivanov’s companies. Now it turns out that the sanctions were extremely beneficial for Ivanov.

05.23.24 VChK-OGPU https://t.me/vchkogpu/48410


The case of Deputy Minister Timur Ivanov threatens return to a multi-episode story. In the previous publication of the Cheka-OGPU about theft during construction, the company ServiceStroy LLC was mentioned, to which Ivanov’s people withdrew more than 1.5 billion rubles. But this is not the only laundering channel in the Patriot Park case. Interested corrupt officials created another twin company, Trenza LLC. This company was awarded similar contracts for the construction of the same Patriot Park, but from scratch. Responsibilities of the general director, as in the case of ServiceStroy LLC. The scheme for withdrawing budget funds was not particularly sophisticated - Timur Ivanov himself patronized the ideologists of the thefts.

05.16.24 VChK-OGPU https://t.me/vchkogpu/48208


Raiders Khristofor Ivanyan, Tigran Khachaturov and Vartan Vartanov have brought many advantages in recent months in the form of companies taken away from the rightful owners. In total, they have several hundred companies behind them that they have squeezed out. And we are talking here only about large enterprises; It is not possible to count the small victims of their raiding, there are a lot of them. There are also disadvantages. The case of Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov may lead to Christopher Ivanyan. Ivanyan, who has known Ivanov for many years, is mainly involved in raiding. It is also known that Ivanyan is now dealing with the arrested Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov. His goal is to ruin the criminal case and return everything to the way it worked before.

05/11/24 VChK-OGPU https://t.me/vchkogpu/48061


As the Cheka-OGPU found out, the company Spetsstroyservis LLC, which is mentioned in the federal media as affiliated with Olimpsitistroy, which appears in the “Ivanov case,” was correctly called FSUE Spetsstroyservis under Spetsstroy of Russia.” In 2017, it was renamed to FSUE GVSU No. 12. Since February 2023, it has been in the process of bankruptcy. In 20203, the company’s revenue amounted to 93 million rubles, and the loss was 36 billion rubles, (-5,415%) compared to 2022. Only through two structures of the Ministry of Defense - FSUE GVSU No. 12 and FSUE GUSS, controlled by Timur Ivanov, tens of billions of rubles could have been withdrawn, judging by the difference in the contract and order amounts.

04/28/24 VChK-OGPU https://t.me/vchkogpu/47873


A source from the Cheka-OGPU said that if the ICR has a desire to promote Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov, then attention will be drawn to the schemes implemented during the construction of Patriot Park. Later, the deputy minister’s team implemented these successful schemes on other projects. From 2013 to 2016, Timur Ivanov headed JSC Oboronstroy, which was the parent company of OJSC GUOV. A subcontract agreement was concluded between OJSC GUOV and LLC OboronStroyProekt (“OSP”) to carry out the full range of works provided for by the State contract for the Patriot Park project.

04/25/24 VChK-OGPU https://t.me/vchkogpu/47815


Olimpsitistroy LLC, whose co-founder Alexander Fomin, according to the investigation, testified against the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Timur Ivanov, regularly sued the structures of the Ministry of Defense, in particular, the Main Directorate for the Arrangement of Troops (GUOV), the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Main Military Construction Directorate" ( GVSU) in connection with the execution of contracts. The parties sued each other for tens of millions of rubles; during the consideration of the cases, corruption details were revealed, but the initiation of criminal cases was never reported. It is possible that Ivanov could help resolve legal issues in favor of Olympsitistroy.

04.24.24 VChK-OGPU https://t.me/vchkogpu/47806


A source from the Cheka-OGPU said that secret negotiations are now taking place between Yevgeny Prigozhin’s heir, Pavel, and Russian Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov. Negotiations are not taking place directly, but through one of the “participants in the meeting with Prigozhin Sr. at the headquarters of the Southern Military District of the Russian Armed Forces” during the days of the mutiny (negotiations there were conducted by Yunus-Bek Evkurov and Vladimir Alekseev). The meaning of the negotiations is this. Ivanov demands that Prigozhin Jr. transfer control over oil and gas fields in Syria and diamond fields in the Central African Republic, which are now controlled by the Wagner PMC.

11.23.24 VChK-OGPU https://t.me/vchkogpu/43541