Evgeny Roitman was born on May 27, 1966 in Moscow. Judging by the information about joint ownership of property, Roitman’s father was Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Mironovich Roitman, who worked all his life at the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering. V.V. Kuibyshev (MISI). After serving in the army, in 1992 Evgeny Roitman graduated with honors from the Moscow Machine Tool Institute (today Stankin University of Technology) with a degree in electronics engineering.


As a student, he and his fellow students began to engage in entrepreneurship in the field of trade, but Roitman was more interested in the field of telecommunications. His first company was NTV-Internet, part of Vladimir Gusinsky’s Media-Most holding. Evgeniy Roitman served as CEO and was a minority shareholder. The company was closed in 2000 due to a change in ownership of NTV.


In 1998, Roitman founded the Dycom company, which, according to the businessman, built the world's largest Wi-Fi network. In 2005, 75% of this business was purchased by Golden Telecom, which was subsequently absorbed by VimpelCom, to which Evgeniy Roitman sold his part of the shares of Dykom. Since 2006, the businessman has been involved in digital television, for which he created the Kolangon company, which was bought by VimpelCom in 2008.


In the fall of 2007, the Antares group created by Roitman, represented by its three constituent companies (Antares, Arcturus and Integral), submitted an application for licenses for frequencies of 1900–1920 MHz. In April 2008, the application was granted: licenses were received for the entire territory of Russia. In 2009, Evgeny Roitman became one of the founders of the Russian Towers company.


Evgeny Roitman was involved in the creation of the Yota operator, whose owner was the Scartel company, created by Albert Avdolyan and Sergey Adonyev, partners of Sergey Chemezov’s Rostec in Yota Devices. In 2013, Scartel was sold to Megafon. Yota Devices was bought in 2018 by a Chinese consortium led by the Chinese investment group Trinity World Management (TWM). The experience of deploying the Yota network allowed Evgeny Roitman to take part in the creation of the first LTE network operator in Vietnam in 2011.


Since 2012, the Antares group received permission to build a fourth-generation mobile communications network (LTE) on its frequencies, which was supposed to begin serving subscribers in 2015. Roitman’s partner in this project was the famous businessman Musa Bazhaev, owner of Russian Platinum. As a result, the project was frozen, and in 2017 a bankruptcy claim was filed against the Antares group. He was recalled a few years later, and in 2022 the group came under the control of Musa Bazhaev’s son.


In 2016, the Mashinter company, owned by Evgeny Roitman, launched a joint project with Rostec with an investment of more than 500 million rubles. to produce displays for the army, but it failed. In the same year, Roitman took part in the creation of Krymtelecom together with Arkady Rotenberg’s partner Viktor Zaritsky. In 2019, Rotenberg gained control over the operator. In 2022, Roitman agreed with Russian Railways to create a unified network for technological communications and the provision of services to passengers according to international 5G standards. Roitman was considered involved in the control of the road sector in Crimea, including the collection of fines, and was also suspected of having connections with Bitmama, a native of Simferopol Valeria Fedyakina, who was arrested in 2023 for the theft of 7 billion rubles.


A peculiarity of Evgeniy Roitman’s business is the presence of a large number of companies that are then liquidated. In March 2024, as part of bankruptcy, surveillance was introduced at Clean Energy LLC. Officially, Roitman owns only 8 operating organizations, but through people associated with the businessman, the number of shell companies operating without revenue or profit can be more than three dozen. Such companies are often used to withdraw money.




In March, as part of a bankruptcy case, surveillance was introduced into the Clean Energy company of Evgeniy Roitman. He owns the asset through an offshore company from the Cayman Islands, Clean Energy Fund Limited (99%) and Mashinter LLC (1%), where Roitman was one of the founders until 2022. Chistya Energy LLC carries out regular transportation of passengers by other land transport in urban and suburban traffic. It manages to operate with 0 employees on staff, which is probably why over the past 7 years it only made a profit in 2021 and never had any revenue. The Clean Energy company was created in 213 and could be used by Evgeny Roitman to withdraw money offshore.

.06.24 Rucriminal.info


In Russia, construction of fifth-generation mobile communication networks will begin along railways. The first 5G networks may appear along lines from Moscow to Kazan, St. Petersburg and Sochi. Russian Railways agreed on this with the Antares Group of Companies, the owner of which was Timur Bazhaev’s Arteh company in the summer, RBC found out. Previously, the group belonged to its founder – Evgeniy Roitman. One of the interlocutors noted that the 1900–1920 MHz band allocated to Antares is 20 MHz wide - it is not enough to provide communication services to passengers at high speeds in 5G.

09.26.22 Forbes https://www.forbes.ru/tekhnologii/478053-stroitel-stvo-setej-5g-mozet-nacat-sa-vdol-linij-zeleznyh-dorog-iz-moskvy


The maintenance of mobile and stationary cameras on the territory of the Republic of Crimea is carried out by Safe Roads of Crimea LLC (hereinafter referred to as “BDK”). The Crimean government entered into a concession agreement with the company in March 2018. According to Kontur.Focus, the companies BDK and BDS were previously part of the structure of the Wessolink group of companies owned by businessman Oleg Badera. But in 2018, the owner of both became IK Yugproekt LLC, the ultimate owners of which, Natalya and Andrey Minaev, at different times were the heads of several companies associated with Evgeniy Roitman’s Mashinter LLC. These companies - Vostok LLC, Profinvest, Cascade, Stroyresurs - were either directly founded by Mashinter or managed by its partner Sergei Mikhailov.

09/10/20 Company https://ko.ru/articles/dokhodnye-kamery-ot-rotenberga/


For the last reporting period at the beginning of 2018, according to the Federal Tax Service, Evgeniy Roitman’s companies had indicators that would make every normal person grab their head at the sight of them. We don’t yet have data for last year, but, apparently, it has only gotten worse. Research and Production Company Credo (founders: Mashinter 63%, Evgeniy Roitman 27%, Esterna Limited 10%) has a loss of 56 million rubles. “Clean Energy”, the director of which is Evgeny Roitman himself (the founders are a company registered in the Cayman Islands, “Clean Energy Fund Limited” 99%, “Mashinter” 1%) has a loss of 36 million rubles.

05.10.19 Rucriminal.info https://rucriminal.info/ru/material/osobennosti-vedeniya-del-sovremennym-xlestakovym?hl=%D0%A0%D0%BE%D0%B9%D1%82%D0%BC %D0%B0%D0%BD


The former head of the Missile Forces, Vladimir Zaritsky, ceased to be the owner of the UKIP company, which has owned Krymtelecom since the end of 2018. At the same time, “traces” of the famous telecommunications businessman Yevgeny Roitman were discovered in UKIP. And the assets of the new owner of UKIP are pledged to the bank of the Rotenberg brothers. There are several factors indicating a possible connection between Roitman and Krymtelecom. Thus, according to information from the website of the Fund for Support of Reserve Officers of the Armed Forces, since 2010 Vladimir Zaritsky served as deputy general director of the Technoprom Innovation Corporation owned by Roitman.

10/07/19 Cnews https://www.cnews.ru/news/top/2019-10-07_krymtelekom_smenil_vladeltsa


A bankruptcy claim was filed in court against the Antares company of Evgeniy Roitman, who planned to create the fifth federal LTE mobile operator. New investors are still unable to build a fourth generation (4G) network and compete with established players. The bankruptcy application for Antares LLC was registered on February 13 in the Moscow Arbitration Court, as follows from the file of cases. The lawsuit was filed by Atiks LLC. As Sergei Ambrosenkov, general director of the plaintiff company, explained to RBC, he was associated with Antares’ debt of approximately 13 million rubles. for the installation of base stations. All legal entities included in the group belong to the Cypriot Runelia Limited, but its ultimate beneficiaries have never been disclosed.

02.21.17 RBC https://www.rbc.ru/technology_and_media/21/02/2017/58ab03bd9a79477f915ce8a3


The Antares company, part of the group of the same name by Evgeniy Roitman, filed a lawsuit on September 7 in court for intellectual rights against the company 4G Retail s.l.r. (Italy), says the arbitration court database. The plaintiff requests early termination of the legal protection of the voice trademark! due to its non-use, it follows from court documents. An Antares representative confirmed this. According to a person close to the operator, Antares intends to use this trademark for the services of its LTE network, which the company is currently building in Moscow and other Russian cities.

09.09.15 Vedomosti https://www.vedomosti.ru/technology/articles/2015/09/10/608182-antares-suditsya-s-vnuchkoi-telecom-italia


Five companies immediately filed claims against the State Commission for Radio Frequencies (SCRF) for a total amount of 1.5 billion rubles. Their co-owner is entrepreneur Evgeniy Roitman, who has already won 4G frequencies in the range 1900-1920 MHz from the SCRF. New lawsuits may be related to his claims to a new range, more promising, 2.5-2.7 GHz. Two claims against SCRF were registered in the database of the Moscow Arbitration Court on April 14. The first is from Modul LLC, Saturn LLC and Stroyresurs LLC in the amount of 900 million rubles. The second - from Aistream LLC and Delta Line LLC for 600 million rubles. SCRF was unable to clarify what claims the listed companies may have against them.

04/18/11 “Kommersant” https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/1623748