​Sergei Tsivilev was born on September 21, 1961 in Zhdanov (Mariupol), Stalin region, Ukrainian SSR, USSR). In 1983 he graduated from the Black Sea Higher Naval School named after P. S. Nakhimov in Sevastopol with a degree in Ship Armament, in 1999 he graduated from the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance with a degree in Finance and Credit.


Until 1994, he served in the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation, military rank - captain of the third rank. From 1995 to 1996 - head of the security service at the branch of Aeroflot Bank (St. Petersburg). From 2007 to 2012 - General Director of the legal company Nortek. In 2007, he co-founded the Lenexpoinvest company, which was supposed to build the new Lenexpo complex; another co-founder of Lenexpoinvest was Viktor Khmarin, a classmate of Vladimir Putin, who practiced martial arts with him, and the husband of his cousin. Khmarin's companies in those years were one of the largest suppliers of equipment to Gazprom.


In 2010, Sergey Tsivilev began to engage in investment projects in the mining sector. In 2012-2013 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Kolmar coal company, one of the shareholders of which was oligarch Gennady Timchenko. Since 2014, Tsivilev became the general director of Colmar, and in the same year he became the owner of 70% of the company.


On March 2, 2018, he took the position of vice-governor of the Kemerovo region. On April 1, he was appointed acting head of the Kemerovo region, and in September he was elected its governor. On May 14, he was confirmed as the Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation.


Marital status: married to Anna Tsivileva, cousin-niece of Vladimir Putin, has an eldest daughter and two sons.


The little-known company Kolmar increased coal production 15 times from 2015 to 2022 thanks to direct financial support from the state in the amount of more than 11 billion rubles, preferential loans from VEB and tax breaks. At one time, the shareholders of Kolmar were the oligarchs Iskander Makhmudov and Andrey Bokarev, who sold their share to Tsivilev in 2017. In 2018, in connection with the transition to government service, Sergey Tsivilev transferred 70% of the shares of Kolmar to his wife Anna, who took over the post of chairman board of directors of the company. The general director of Management Company Kolmar LLC is Valery Tsivilev, the minister’s brother.


Sergei Tsivileva, as governor, worked in the interests of large industrialists in the region. Tsivilev was suspected of having connections with the president of the SDS coal holding, Mikhail Fedyaev, and Novosibirsk businessman Yuri Sazonov, who were involved in various high-profile scandals. In 2021, a man-made disaster occurred at the Listvyazhnaya mine, part of the SDS, which claimed the lives of 51 people. The former governor also supported the Kuzbassrazrezugol company of the oligarchs Makhmudov and Bokarev. In February 2024, Kuzbass took 55th place out of 85 in the ranking of regions for quality of life.







The Kemerovo region has again found itself at the center of a brewing scandal, which is making local authorities quite nervous. It is no secret to anyone in the region that, starting in 2018, Governor Sergei Tsivilev has been promoting a project to develop the Sheregesh tourism cluster, within which it is planned to invest billions of rubles in the construction of the airport and the communications surrounding it. Since the end of 2021, this news has been a reason for PR for regional and federal officials, as an agreement was finally reached with the investor company Novaport, controlled by the international corporation AEON of oligarch Roman Trotsenko.

02.25.24 Rucriminal.info https://rucriminal.info/ru/material/proekt-putina-sheregesh-pustili-po-krugu?hl=%D0%A6%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0 %BB%D0%B5%D0%B2


Publish it or don’t publish it, you’ll still get a boo. In short, in any city in Kuzbass the fish rots from the head, i.e. from Governor Sergei Tsivilev, because his “favorite team” is performing poorly and only knows how to steal from the budget. Tsivilev, as a leader, distanced himself from the people a long time ago, and if earlier he at least walked on horses (of course it looked moronic), now he only flies in Mercedes and airplanes to cut red ribbons to the noisy applause of his deputies and officials. Direct lines lead with answers to prepared questions. And there’s just something pitch black all around.

02/07/23 Open City https://o-gorod.net/news/389565/


The Cheka-OGPU can complement the Agency’s investigation into the wife of the governor of Kuzbass, Anna Tsivileva, who turned out to be the cousin of President Vladimir Putin. From the investigation it followed that the couple had been helped throughout their lives by an understandably powerful force. In 1997, Sergei Tsivilev, together with his brother Valery and Igor Sobolevsky, created the Nortek law firm, which existed for 15 years. In 2007, among the clients of Sergei Tsivilev personally was “the President’s poor relative” and classmate Viktor Khmarin. Tsivilev represented Khmarin’s interests in a dispute with St. Petersburg businessman Viktor Solovyov.

01.23.22 VChK-OGPU https://t.me/vchkogpu/25102


In inform The wars of Kuzbass coal miners are drawing in the head of the region. Recently, many publications have appeared in the media and TG channels about Sergei Tsivilev’s connections with the president of the SDS holding, Mikhail Fedyaev, and Novosibirsk businessman Yuri Sazonov. The first is now under arrest in the Listvyazhnaya case, and the second is fighting off Kemerovo tax officials.

12/30/21 VChK-OGPU https://t.me/vchkogpu/24163


When law enforcement officers became seriously interested in the activities of the schemer Yuri Sazonov, the Kuzbass governor Sergei Tsivilev suddenly came to his defense. For several years, Sazonov milked the bankrupt Kemerovo mines Aleksievskaya and Zarechnaya. Having bought their debts and becoming the majority creditor, he siphoned off profits from coal exports through shell companies, naturally, bypassing the state budget. Thus, he got himself into serious problems with the law, which Tsivilev was harnessed to solve. The head of Kemerovo personally calls the regulatory and supervisory authorities - Rostekhnadzor, the prosecutor's office, arbitration, tax... Guber is not even afraid for his reputation, which was significantly damaged by the tragedy at Listvyazhnaya.

12.22.21 VChK-OGPU https://t.me/vchkogpu/23951


The Investigative Committee brought charges of laundering 189 million rubles against the former chairman of the board of directors of OJSC St. Petersburg MyasoMolMash, Viktor Solovyov. The Investigative Committee believes that more than 10 years ago, Viktor Solovyov borrowed the ruble equivalent of $2 million in Sberbank bills from a classmate of the Russian president, former St. Petersburg lawyer Viktor Khmarin, which he stole. In the theft case, the statute of limitations expired and then ICR investigator Sergei Novikov opened a legalization case against Solovyov, behind which Khmarin’s shadow is clearly visible. This confrontation is very old. So long ago that Sergei Tsivilev, now the governor of the Kemerovo region, and previously a lawyer and business partner of Khmarin, began pursuing Solovyov on all fronts.

11.12.20 VChK-OGPU https://t.me/vchkogpu/12610