Inna Khaustova, the deputy head of the Krasnodar Regional Department for Internal Policy, arrested on February 25, “pulled” a number of heads of the Kuban municipalities along with her. In the region, the official has built a well-functioning corruption scheme. A considerable number of municipal leaders paid tribute to her "for her assistance and kind attitude."

Инна Хаустова

The search in the office of the official took place on the eve of the holiday. When on Wednesday, February 24, the first day after the holiday, Inna Mikhailovna went to work, the regional administration officials noted her "good hair after the hairdresser's and red shoes." The deputy director of the department was absolutely sure that her "patrons" from among the regional leadership would not give her offense. It is not clear what this confidence was based on, because during the search itself, none of the first, the governor's, reception room came running and was not interested in what kind of "bright" investigative actions were taking place in the office of the official. That indicated that the governor of the region, Veniamin Kondratyev, was informed about the interest of law enforcement officers in Khaustova.

In the evening of February 25, Inna Khaustova was arrested and taken to a pre-trial detention center.

Вениамин Кондратьев

As a source told, the events on Krasnaya, 35, followed by polls by law enforcement officials of municipal officials, participants in the corruption scheme, immediately gave rise to many versions of what was happening. Today it is already known that the deputy head of the Kanevsky district Svetlana Shvydkaya was detained in the framework of the criminal case. The head of the Shcherbinovsky district, Aleksey Belikov, under house arrest. Investigators are targeting several other municipal officials.

Khaustova, for today is accused of six episodes of bribes. But since only two officials were detained, it can be assumed that the municipal leaders of 4 more districts, apparently, are now actively cooperating with the investigation. All in all, heads of municipalities, their deputies for internal politics from more than ten districts of the region got into the zone of attention of law enforcement officers. And, perhaps, this is an inconclusive figure.

It was immediately revealed that the amount of monthly levies determined by Khustova for the municipalities seemed to be small: 50 thousand rubles from the municipal "nose" (although officials of the wealthy Kanevsky district sent "upward bribes in the amount of 100 thousand rubles). But the total amount of the "consolidated bribe" reached at least half a million rubles a month.

Note that some of the municipal officials, when they realized that they smelled fried, wrote "a confession." True, another part is still trying to avoid close communication with investigators, inventing "legal" reasons for corruption tributes. Up to sincere "confessions" ... in adultery. They say that a secret romantic relationship was tied between the municipal official-bribe-giver and his regional leader. This argument seems to make the investigators smile. Still, a dozen officials giving the same amount to the “beloved” is a little too much.



Another explanation of the reasons for the emergence of a corruption scheme is also far from reality. It was said that Khaustova allegedly collected funds for ... the election campaign of 2021.

It is not entirely clear why this version was voiced. First, it destroys the legend that all elections in the region are fair. And this is, in fact, a career sentence for an official who is responsible for obtaining the desired results in the elections. Secondly, on such financial "participation" of officials in elections, there are also quite definite articles of the administrative and criminal code (officials are prohibited by law from any administrative influence on the results of the popular will). Although the criminal liability for such elective pranks is much less than for bribes. And, thirdly, for significant elections in the region, ten times more money is collected from candidates-“purses” than Khaustova “collected”.

And nevertheless, the “quitrent” demanded by Khaustova from the municipal leadership and the upcoming elections to the State Duma, in our opinion, turned out to be linked by one thread.

The overwhelming majority of residents of the Krasnodar Territory found the results of the elections in September last year astonishing. Municipal parliamentary elections in a number of districts did not promise easy victories for the "necessary" candidates. Yes, and in the gubernatorial elections, it was difficult to expect the triumph of the current head of the region, Kondratyev.

As the source of believes, that is why, presumably, a scheme was launched with the printing of "additional" bulletins for stuffing. And it was Inna Khaustova who was the organizer of these absolutely criminal schemes.

Only one printing house can print ballots in the Krasnodar Territory - the Krasnodar "Blankizdat". After all, only its equipment allows you to print paper products with the necessary degrees of protection. On the forms of last year's elections, two degree of protection: guilloche mesh and microprinting.

Any other edge printing house that takes up the printing of left-hand letterheads will somehow be able to make the guilloche frame look like the original, but completely fill up the micro-printing. The letters will just blur. The equipment is not right. Fake ballots can also be identified by such "trifles" as a certain type of paper, Pantonese inks used in printing.


One can only assume how the files with the layouts of the bulletins went beyond the "Blankizdat" and were transferred to a number of other printing houses (it is possible that the original was tried to be copied by "talented designers" from other printing houses)

As a result, even the members of the territorial election commissions were not pleased with the result of the "leftist" press in the last year's elections. It is not entirely clear why the observers did not pay attention to these features of the electoral forms. For example, in Yeisk, the left-hand letterheads were simply monstrous. Actually, as in the Kanevsky and Shcherbinovsky districts. Not only was the microprinting blurred, even the color of the ink did not match the original. Presumably, the printing houses of Krasnodar and Kanevsky district were involved in the production of such forms for the districts.

It was vitally important for the regional leadership to show an impressive election result in front of the Moscow curators. It is clear that the regional municipalities also needed a result in the “championship” in terms of percentage “for” the appointed winner. It became clear in Krasnodar that without large-scale, hundreds of thousands of leftist ballots in the planned beautiful figure of 83 percent (in the year of the 83rd anniversary of the founding of the Krasnodar Territory), it became clear in Krasnodar. In the regional capital, the communists managed to organize the effective work of observers. That largely ruled out the possibility of stuffing. Therefore, the turnout in Krasnodar was 3 or more times less than in other municipalities of the Kuban. Yes, and the results in Krasnodar were miserable, even in spite of the fact that even here it was not without the "leftist".

 But in other four dozen Kuban municipalities, Khaustova's "scheme" worked 100 percent. This means that dozens of chapters were able to avoid the bossy trend for the very likely failed election results. And further, the bureaucratic rule “you to me - I to you” came into effect. Inna Mikhailovna Khaustova offered to say “thank you” to her for the elective “salvation” in the form of ... 50 thousand rubles a month.


It is clear that with her “tempting proposal” to organize a “kickback”, Khaustova could not turn to, say, the mayor of Sochi, Kopaigorodsky, or the mayor of Krasnodar, Pervyshov - they could have sent it. Some other heads (for example, Mazninov in the Tuapse region) were also outside the zone of Khaustova's corruption attention. Those who sit under the specific "supervision" of a number of vice-governors. It is better not to go into such requests with such requests, - they will complain to their vice-"daddies" - you will not get around the trouble.

But here is the list of those who paid the rent, just surprisingly coincided with those municipal leaders who ... used in September last year the "elective services of Khaustova" on the left ballots. Apparently, it was simply impossible for the heads of a number of MOs to reject the "tempting offer" to pay a monthly tribute to the Deputy Director of the Department of Internal Policy of the Territory.

Note: there were on the list of those who really, albeit gently, sent Inna Mikhailovna, quite a few leaders of "simple" municipalities. Even among those who received such "assistance" during the elections. Inna Mikhailovna simply… deleted the “rebels” from her list of “corruption gangs”. The difference between "payers" and "non-payers" began to feel later. Those who did not pay, snapped off a large portion of the bossy shout for the slightest inaccuracy in the work. And they did not dare to dream of help. Because they are “ungrateful”.

Immediately after the arrest, in the corridors of the regional administration, colleagues began to remember other "pranks" as well. One of the striking examples of bureaucratic triviality: Inna Khaustova managed to "persuade" the family of a child who received an expensive fancy gadget on the governor's "Christmas tree of desires" to give her a newfangled electronic trick. Because the birthday of the young creature from among the relatives of Khaustova was approaching. As a result, they say, this governor's "Christmas tree gift" was presented to him. Nothing is known about the reaction of the boy from whom the gadget was taken away.

Obviously, investigators will try to find an answer to the question for what purposes the deputy head of the Department of Internal Policy spent the free money. With a high degree of probability, we can say that we can talk about solutions to "housing issues". Another question: what kind of funding source did the heads of municipalities “find” to transfer bribes to Khaustova? Their salaries, of course, are several times higher than the teachers' salaries, but not such that the "unfastening" of fifty thousand rubles would be painless.

Krasnaya 35 itself does not react to all these events in any way. At least no official comments and statements from the regions There is no administration, and therefore the Kuban people themselves have to speculate and answer the main question: why did this become possible?

Inna Khaustova has been arrested and is currently in remand prison No. 1 in Krasnodar. We can assume that she is threatened with articles on bribery, abuse of power, and if the investigation begins to dig on the situation with the "left" printing of ballots, also on falsification of documents.

Over the past weeks, the heads of administrations and their deputies for internal politics in a number of northern and eastern regions of the region have been in a state of gloomy concern. They still face a difficult dilemma. Or to shield the bosses, which, perhaps, advises them to do the regional leadership. But this option threatens with serious articles of the Criminal Code. Either act in good faith and give confessions. Moreover, there are precedents. The situation in the regional bureaucracy is more than difficult. Especially considering the challenges of this year. In September elections of the State Duma deputies, and the heads of their territories are responsible for their holding ...

 Difficult choice and before the governor Veniamin Kondratyev. Who, perhaps, was not aware of the organization of the flow of bribes. But he was almost certainly aware of last year's elected "leftist". Here, for example, what kind of mailing to municipal officials on Votsap was made by Khaustova on the eve of election day about caution with the stuffing of left ballots. More than a transparent recommendation for the heads of precinct election commissions. It is clear that Kondratyev was not just in the know - he gave instructions ...

Denis Zhirnov

To be continued