Source: Rucriminal
"Who owns the information - he owns the world." This old statement today can be rephrased as "Who owns IT companies - he owns big money". At the same time, in Russia you do not even need to be a real owner of a foreign company, it's enough to become the head of a Russian branch or a manager to close all the financial flows. As already reported, corruption in the Russian offices of the world's computer giants exceeds all reasonable limits, Russian top managers are so actively stealing the budgets of local branches that this leads not only to the growth of retail computer prices, but also to the reputational losses of the state. Foreign investors are afraid to invest money in the Russian market, rightly suspecting that they will dissolve in our vast spaces and in the pockets of unscrupulous managers. publishes materials that were collected by the initiators of the investigations - IPO "Rabkrin" and FIC "Analytics and Security". For this, not only open court information is used, but also information from corporate sources - employees of IT companies are willing to report the facts of their bosses' criminal activities. For this, the "Rabkrin" and FIC "Analytics and Security" have opened a "hot line" on which it is possible to transmit information about the facts of corruption.
The "hot line" of "Rabkrina" and FIC has already received a large number of appeals from employees of high-tech companies, such as Lenovo, Acer, Intel and others. Employees, realizing that the financial scam of their bosses threaten to close the branch and layoffs, actively provide information about new facts and episodes of the activities of top managers Lenovo, Acer, Intel. Witnesses of crimes also send documents from corporate correspondence that confirm these facts.
The scale of embezzlement and withdrawal of funds from branches of world-wide computer brands is amazing. In Russia, formed a whole "team" of domestic top managers, who organizedly steal the budgets of Lenovo, Acer and Intel. We give the history of their creation and today's activities:
Gleb Mishin Acer and Intel
In 2002, Gleb Mishin was appointed head of the Russian office of the company Acer. After a short struggle with the "dissenting" employees and their dismissal, he places his key people on key posts who provided him with impunity for the brazen theft of Acer funds for many years. In fact, a "high-tech" OCG was created, linked by financial and career interests. As the main "pump" for illegal pumping out of marketing money from Acer, the company "1marketing" (INN 7722300790) is used, which Mishin together with his friend Dmitry Spiridonov quickly create by adding to the statutory fund of only 10 000 rubles. Immediately after registering for a new company, absolutely unknown on the marketing services market, the waterfall of money from the Acer budget falls. The collective "1marketing" becomes a reliable tool for the development and laundering of money that Mishin and Spiridonov derived from Acer through the legal entity "Marketing" LLC, other affiliated legal entities, incl. Offshores. The scheme of theft was fairly simple: overstatement of prices, failure to comply with the claimed work, a decrease in the actual volume of the claimed works, and much more. Spiridonov received and "laundered" money, and Gleb Mishin covered the theft inside Acer.
Russian top management likes to work on proven schemes, so theft in another computer company - Intel was under a scheme similar to Acer. Intel Corporation in Russia and CIS countries served the marketing agency Amiprint, organized by Elena Trukhina and one of the then leaders of Intel in Russia Vadim Vasiliev. I wonder whether the owners of Intel abroad knew that their employee Vasilyev had organized a business that controlled 80% of all budgets of the company in Russia, as well as budgets outside of Russia.
In 2005 Dmitry Konash was appointed the director of the regional representation of Intel, which some media referred to as Intel's "processor of financial fraud and motherly fraudster with experience". Immediately after the appointment of Konash, for a fictitious reason - allegedly due to a quarrel between Konash and Vasiliev, the latter leaves Intel. According to, it was a cunning move that would hide the "ends in the water" and save Vasiliev from criminal prosecution. Despite his dismissal, Amiprint's business with Intel continued to develop actively. Obviously, Vasilyev agreed with Konash, now "Publishing House" Amiprint "LLC acts as the main legal entity of the" Amiprint "structure in working with Intel. In fact, "Amiprint" was a whole group of affiliated legal entities used to "assimilate" Intel's money. In this group even the most famous magazine "Gastronome", which is owned by OOO "Publishing House" Gastronom ", was on display, and previously it was owned by IDE" Tasty Life ".
According to official sources, the shareholders of various legal entities that "fed" around Intel were the same people.
Also in this long list appear the offshore companies "UFS" LLC and "Gainesville Enterprises Inc.", owned by Elena Trukhina and Vadim Vasiliev. These companies, along with "Hawkeye Cohesion UK Ltd." for a long time were cash settlement centers for Intel and used in particular to make payments in Russia and abroad, thus including tax evasion. Parallels between Intel and Acer are quite obvious. Vasiliev receives and launches money, and Konash, using his team - covers the theft inside Intel.
Machinators from Acer and Intel are united.
By 2005, the regional head of Intel Dmitry Konash and the local head of Acer Gleb Mishin fully mastered their posts and established an "effective" process of mastering the budgets of Russian branches. Linked by a long "male" friendship and trusting relationship, they decided to increase the scale of theft. To do this, their teams at Intel and Acer came up with joint events, which were allocated budgets from both companies. As a result, at least half of the allocated budget was not even "worked off" by the agencies of Konash and Mishin, but immediately cashed in the pockets of quick managers. After all, to control which company, what and how much it allotted, no one else could have, except Dmitry and Gleb.
According to experts from, since 2012, one of the following schemes was used to steal money: marketing agencies LLC Marketing Center (affiliated with Amiprint) and OOO 1Marketing, serving Acer, Intel and Lenovo, received financing for advertising campaigns At the same time from three companies, including joint funds (so-called co-op funds) - Intel-Acer, Intel-Lenovo. But instead of holding, for example, promotions in retail stores for the above-mentioned companies - in reality, the stores displayed promoters with 3-5 different sets of uniforms. When it was necessary to make a photo report - the promoters simply changed into Acer's uniform, then Intel, then Lenovo, then Microsoft, then into the joint uniform of these companies. So simple and clumsy immediately obtained up to 5 reports of allegedly conducted advertising campaigns.
The carefree life of the "sweet couple" continued until 2012, when Gleb Mishin had to quit Acer. Then friends had to sweep away the traces of their financial scams. To this end, Konash organized the procedure for bankruptcy of the publishing house Amiprint and even initiated a puppet lawsuit against Amyprint (Arbitration Court of Moscow, Case No. A 40-6956 / 14). And Mishin carefully appointed Denis Kutnikov, his protege, to head Acer.
Scheme scams in Acer and Intel continued in Lenovo.
Impunity has given top managers the confidence that they can steal further. The machinations of "IT - OPG" have reached a qualitatively new level. Konash bankrupt "Amiprint" quietly replaced him with the affiliated with the "Marketing Center" LLC, despite the fact that after the bankruptcy of the contractor together with him more than 15 million US dollars disappeared. Mishin moved to lead in Lenovo, underwriting all the marketing budgets and dragging his team to Lenovo, which previously "mastered" budgets in Acer. Kutnikov continued Mishin's case in Acer, however, not very successfully - he turned out to be a mediocre specialist and worthy to develop the "business" Mishin in Acer could not. According to the testimony of Acer employees, round the clock Kutnikov chose expensive watches, cars and yachts on the Internet, eventually disorganized the Acer business and was dismissed with shame.
But all the same continuity in the management of these processes continued. For example, in Lenovo, as learned, this process was controlled by Tatyana Kolesnikova and Alexander Kataev, who organized these "masquerades" while they were working for Acer, and after going to Lenovo continued to do this for many companies, including actively Using a tool of co-op funds, among which were literally all the clients of Marketing Center LLC and 1Marketing LLC, including Intel, Microsoft, Acer, Lenovo, Packard Bell, APC, Huawei, Dell, Asus, Viewsonic, Cisco and others.
IT-Mafia is immortal in Candy Hoover.
Over time, the criminal cartel lost its former activity - Konash, Kutnikov fired and moved away from the trough. Mishin had to leave Lenovo. But, as already told, he was rescued by the long-time patron Gianfranco Lanci, who appointed Mishin to the post of regional leader in Candy-Hoover. Now we can expect financial "masquerades" already in the home appliances market. After all, now the promoters of Candy-Hoover can be disguised, for example, in the uniform of Bosch, which is also a client of "1Marketing". And you will not even have to organize anything, it's enough to drag Tatyana Kolesnikova, Alexander Kataev and others into the Candy-Hoover. They are experienced employees who will twist the new scheme of theft without much difficulty, because the technology has been worked out for years.
If you know of any new schemes of criminal activity of top managers, report them to the "hotline" of the IPO "Rabkrin" and FIC "Analytics and Security". Confidentiality is guaranteed.
Phone: 8-800-234-65-65. E-mail:
Source: Rucriminal